Nature + Love Project
Horniman Museum & Gardens 

Nature + Love is a transformational re-development project seeking to make the Horniman Museum and Gardens more inclusive and accessible, with environmental sustainability and a commitment to fighting the climate and biodiversity emergencies at its heart.

Three distinct interventions utilising previously under-used areas of the Horniman site are proposed to enhance the user experience: a Nature Explorers Adventure Zone, opening access to the historic Nature Trail and introducing a nature-themed recreation area and children’s café, encouraging learning and wellbeing through exploration and play. An outdoor Sustainable Gardening Zone with new plant nursery alongside an adult skills programme focused on improving health and wellbeing. A re-displayed Natural History Gallery and Nature Explorers Action Zone, exploring human impact on the planet and supporting local level change. Each intervention will be complemented by a range of nature-focused partnerships and a programme of activities aimed at encouraging more people to connect with nature and wildlife.


Client Horniman Museum & Gardens
Location Forest Hill, London
Date 2022-ongoing
Area 8.5ha
Trees proposed 53


Landscape Architect
J&L Gibbons
Feilden Fowles
Conservation Architect
Fiona Raley Architecture
Exhibition Designer
Studio MB
Structural and Civil Engineer
Structure Workshop
M&E Engineer
Skelly & Couch   
Lighting Designer
Michael Grubb Studio
Quantity Surveyor
Fire Engineer
Sustainability Consultant
3 Adapt
Landscape Heritage Consultant
Historic Environment Associates
Planning Consultant
The Planning Lab
Accessibility Consultant
Direct Access
Soil Scientist
Tim O’Hare Associates
Landscape Management
Land Management Services
© J&L Gibbons and Feilden Fowles