Inger Munch’s Pier, Munch Museum
Inger Munch’s Pier is a collaboration between J&L Gibbons and British Artist Tracey Emin. In 2018, Oslo’s Agency for Cultural Affairs ran an international competition to create the landscape setting for ‘The Mother’, against the backdrop of the new Munch Museum and the cityscape of Bjørvika.
The monumental 9m bronze sculpture and the Pier create an extraordinary landmark for the Oslo’s waterfront. A transformative space, connecting new waterside communities, invigorating urban, cultural and natural regeneration. Where once industry dominated, there are now flourishing public spaces: swimming spots, boardwalks, fishing areas, places to sit, biodiverse ecologies and an oasis for bees. A place for life, nature and art. The meadow has been advanced procured from local provenance seed, and is defined by recycled blue limestone to mirror the natural geology of the Oslofjord.
Client Kulturetaten, The Agency for Cultural Affairs Oslo
Location Oslo, Norway
Date 2018 - 2022
Area 0.13ha
Trees planted 19
2022 Shortlisted - Excellence in Place Regeneration - Landscape Institute Award
Landscape Architect and Lead Consultant J&L Gibbons
Artist Tracey Emin
Landscape Architect Holo & Holo Landskapsarkitektur
Engineer Ramboll
Engineer for Art Commission Pryce & Myers
Lighting Design Studio Dekka
Soil Scientist Tim O'Hare Associates
Landscape Management Land Management Services
Photography © J&L Gibbons, Kulturetaten, KID