
Making Space in Dalston

Making Space in Dalston created opportunities for public realm enhancements. Through a collaborative design process, J&L Gibbons and muf architecture/art instigated an alternative approach to regeneration through action research to help develop a shared vision, at both grass roots and strategic level.

Rather than a traditional top-down masterplan, the project set out to identify projects through dialogue, engaging artists, residents, businesses and local organisations. While nurturing the existing qualities of the neighbourhood and the self-organising distinctiveness of Dalston, inherent in both its social capital and physical character, the stakeholders themselves became the driving force and promoters of change. A total of 76 projects were identified in 10 themes through discussion with almost 200 individuals or groups. Projects were either permanent or ‘meantime’ in space awaiting development, priming the community for positive change.


Client Design for London, London Borough of Hackney
Location Dalston, London
Date 2007–2010
Trees planted 4
2014 Rosa Barba World Landscape Prize - Shortlist
2011 Landscape Institute President’s Award
2011 Landscape Institute Urban Design & Masterplanning Award
2011 NLA Award
2010 Landscape Institute Award


Collaborative Designers J&L Gibbons & muf architecture/art
Structural Engineer Stockleys
Civil Engineer Stockleys
Cost Consultant Appleyards DWB
Graphic Design Objectif
Artist for toy box Gary Webb
Photography © Sarah Blee | J&L Gibbons

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